Available courses

Brief description of this course

The course is about learning facilitation, supervision and assessment of nursing students within a multicultural context. It is for clinical mentors of international healthcare students, or nurses and other healthcare workers who consider being a mentor. The course is based on the experience of previous and current nursing students and mentors.   

The main themes of the course are:

  • the international context of clinical teaching, 
  • teaching and learning in another language, 
  • cultural competence, 
  • the role of a mentor and facilitation of learning,
  • colaboration of school and the organisation providing clinical placements. 

If you are interested in the course, please contact Jana Hermanova at jana.hermanova@lf3.cuni.cz or Hana Svobodova at hana.svobodova@lf3.cuni.cz for the instructions on registration.




This course is offered as a massive open online course (MOOC). It is based on the European Commission-funded research project ‘Acting on the Margins: Arts as Social Sculpture’ (AMASS, 2020–2023). The MOOC provides an overview of socially engaged arts (SEA). Participants will become familiar with SEA practices and gain an understanding of arts-based processes and practical work, as well as their possible application in different contexts and organisations. The course combines SEA, people-centred design, application of arts-based methods, expert videos and practical exercises.

Program celoživotního vzdělávání Univerzity Karlovy. Pořádá spolek Díky, že můžem.

Kurz o vyhledávání a citování informací pro studenty středních škol. Kurz vyžaduje přihlášení. Studenti/zaměstnanci UK se přihlásí pomocí tlačítka Shibboleth Login a CAS účtem. Veřejnost má možnost se přihlásit pomocí Google přihlášení či vytvořením nového účtu.

This course is a cooperative project of Japanese Studies students from Charles University and students of Czech language course from TUFS. The course consists not only in preparing subtitles for professor Helena Třeštíková's documentary Soukromý vesmír but also in trying to figure out the meaning and message of the film.

This is an international workshop on Innovative teaching methods in higher education held on 19th - 21st February 2020 at Charles University under the guidance of lecturers from several European universities from Denmark, Germany, France and Italy. The workshop is part of project TEFSI focusing on innovative teaching methods for sustainable food systems.

Forming a consortium for project partnership is one of the most important tasks during the whole process. It is the integral part of ReSTI project management and a very important element in the project assessment and evaluation. Within the course, students will deal with: stakeholder analyses needed to identify possible project partners, assessing capacities of every possible consortium partner, finding appropriate partners using a different platforms and tools, intercultural communication possibilities, and conflict resolution styles. The aim of this course is to provide participants with skills and tools necessary for developing an adequate and functional ReSTI project consortium.

The course provides systemic insight into institutional design of the European Union, its fundamental values, organization of the EU funding systems and the strategic priorities of the European Union, to be set by the respective strategic document, comparable to the Europe 2020 Strategy. The course shall also explain the link between the EU strategic goals and priorities, set by the strategic documents, and the EU grant/funding schemes. Understanding this link shall help participants in profiling their funding applications closer to the EU strategic priorities, thus increasing the chances for positive outcome of the application. The course shall also provide insight into the main EU funding schemes – their scope, objectives, design, application criteria and process.

This course is designed to introduce the most important EU policy goals and guidelines – their structure, the process of creation and updating of policy goals and their relation to financial instruments. You will find out how to identify possible interlinkages between everyday-life needs and EU Policies and how to apply it to your project idea.

Introduction into the different EU- funding systems and giving an overview about the various EU-Funding Programs, how they work (calls, strategy development, etc.) and what their funding aims are.

The course will introduce students to key funding opportunities available from the EU where research and innovation is a priority (i.e. Horizon2020 and ERDF). It will help students develop awareness of the EU funding eco-system and will enable them to learn about what Calls for proposals are, how to look for one, and what are the basic steps in preparing a high-quality grant application. It will additionally provide an overview of key project-relevant concepts and will help students easily distinguish the key terms in “project speak”.

The course reviews the most critical aspects of preparing a grant application in the most relevant European programmes in order to support students to manage a successful preparation and submission process. The course teaches students how to set the overall project objectives and structure the application in line with the evaluation criteria, and how to plan accordingly tasks and activities with expected milestones, deliverables and outputs.

The course focuses on how to develop a budget without any financial risks during the project design. It provides basic insights on the different types of project costs eligible within European RDI projects, their eligibility rules and reasonable calculation methods. The course also provides practical budgetary considerations enhancing the chance of a project being funded.

Nowadays, more and more activities are proclaimed as Projects. However, very little knowledge of business activities are conducted as a Project. A Project Management is a profession that has its own rules. Lack of understanding of Project Management and violations of design rules always lead to bad results. Most often, the Project is then not finished and all financial and other contributions are more or less thrown away. In the course, students will acquire knowledge about the key Project Management factors for success: understanding the environment of a Project, its life cycle, the role of a Project Management and most used Methodologies in Project Management (PMI, IPMA, PRINCE 2).

In the course, it will be demonstrated that unlike issues, which are certain to happen, Risks are events that could occur, and you may not be able to tell when. Students will become familiar with knowledge that a Risk is any Unexpected Event that might affect the people, processes, technology, resources and results - outcomes of the project involved in a Project. Project Risk Management remains a relatively undeveloped discipline, distinct from the Risk Management used by Operational, Financial and Underwriters' Risk Management in Business. If Risk Management is set up as a continuous, disciplined process of problem identification and resolution, then the system easily supplement other systems.

A financial management process is used to ensure that the project is completed within the allocated and approved budget.  The recommended process includes cost estimating, cost budgeting, cost control, monitoring, and reporting. Application of these principles should be tailored according to the size, complexity and importance of the project. Measure project performance against key project performance scope, schedule, quality, cost and risk criteria. Identify any deviations from the plan. Assess the impact of deviations on the project and overall program, and report results to key stakeholders. Recommend, implement and monitor remedial action, when required, in line with the program and project governance framework.

The course main preoccupation is the formulation and implementation of the project’s communication and dissemination strategy in order to ensure smooth, timely, and high quality external, as well as internal communication.  It deals with the main objectives of internal and external project communication, communication activities, relevant stakeholders and target groups, methods, channels and instruments of communication and dissemination. The main outcome of the project communication planning is the Communication and Dissemination Plan which will be studied and practiced thoroughly throughout the course. Capitalization proved to be one of the main preoccupation of the EU funded programmes. During this course, students will get the insight into the main goals of DTP Capitalization Strategy, as well as the most effective examples of their achievement.

This course is designed to introduce two interconnected topics: intellectual property rights (IPRs) and the exploitation of project results. The course covers the fundamental aspects of intellectual property rights (copyright and related rights, trademarks, patents, geographical indications, and industrial designs), in both practical terms and for the protection and exploitation of your project results.

Introduction to the field of social innovation that covers areas such as defining the context for social innovation, overview of basic terminology used in research projects and characteristics and patterns of social innovation. Course introduces the student with the concept of social innovation ecosystem and sets grounds for understanding social innovation as a cross sectoral and multi-disciplinary theme.

Social innovation approaches and methodologies is a practical course built around hands-on activities aimed to increase student’s capacities to innovate and create social change. Course covers themes such as understanding the process of social innovation, understanding the problem, designing the solution and implementation strategy and evaluation. Through this course students will have the opportunity to work on their own social innovation project.

Designing and implementing social innovations is a course that examines the role of social innovation in practices that leads to long term sustainability and social impact.

In this course, participants gain an overview of the innovation models, strategies, and methods across sectors and genres. The course includes definitions and introductory materials for open, closed, and circular innovation. The innovation process is simplified in The Double Diamond approach from the UK Design Council. Methods that lead toward systemic sustainability are presented in The Circular Design Guide from the Ellen McArthur organization. A variety of other sources for leading innovation toward systemic sustainability are offered. The course provides a brief introduction to human-centered and nature-inspired innovation approaches that are then each deepened in the following innovation practice courses (5.2 and 5.3).

In this practice-oriented course, participants experience the steps through The Double Diamond innovation process to which they were introduced in course 5.1 Innovation Sandbox. They engage deeply in the human-centered innovation process, moving from contextual (user-based) research for (re-)defining a chosen problem, through creating concepts and prototypes for potential solutions. In subsequent courses (5.4 and 5.5) participants have a chance to bring their invention from this course to market and develop a business around it.

In this practice-oriented course, participants experience the steps through The Double Diamond innovation process, in form of a nature-inspired analogy-based process. Both Biomimicry approaches will be introduced: Biology to Design, and Design Challenge to Biology. In particular, participants will practice the 4 stages of Biomimicry Thinking: scoping (defining function the innovation should fulfill in the end), discovering (nature-based scientific research searching for models in nature), creating concepts and prototyping, and evaluating the proposed innovation against the sustainability benchmark of the 26 Biomimicry Life Principles. Research steps include deep scientific research into general and subject-specific sub-categories of biology and/or ecology in order to discover the strategies nature uses for surviving and thriving. Systemic sustainability is guaranteed in this innovation process through the sustainability mandate that is built into the design process. In subsequent courses (5.4 and 5.5) participants have a chance to bring their innovation to market and develop a business opportunity for their innovation.

In this course participants create a strategic vision in form of a business model for an idea, concept, or invention completed during courses 5.2 Human-Centered Innovation Practice and/or 5.3 Nature-Based Innovation Practice (or taken from another case). They also develop implementation and business plans to bring their innovation to market through a series of cohesive phases.

In this course participants consider how the business would be developed through the different phases of the business life cycle from inception to growth, maturity and decline. Further, as a next step, participants then put the idea in the context of circular economy and sustainability.

The aim of the Excellence-in-ReSTI project is to remove gaps in knowledge and skills in managing social and technological innovation (ReSTI) projects. The general goal is to create an environment in which interested stakeholders, in particular young project managers, as well as administrators in public and private organizations engaged in such projects within the Danube Region can find easy-to-use checklists, learning modules and advice with a specifically tailored content regarding the management of ReSTI projects.



Alice má moc ráda mapy všeho druhu. Je proto nadšená, když paní učitelka ve škole vyhlásí mapovou soutěž. Ten, kdo všechny nástrahy zvládne, bude „Mapový odborník“ a navíc získá jedničku! Cesta za titulem odborníka ale nebude jednoduchá…

Protože nevíme, jak na tom s mapami jste, musíte všichni začít u těch nejjednodušších úloh. Teprve když zjistíme, že je to pro vás moc snadné, můžete postoupit dále, a ještě dále! 

Start: 22 March 2021  End: 30 June 2021

Length: 10 weeks / 2 hours per week

Conditions: English level B1, basic knowledge of European history

How to pass: Pass all graded tests, two assigments and participate in forum disscussions in the course

Skills you can learn: History, Geography, Interpretation, Art, Creativity, Emotions

This is a joint course of Charles, Jagellonian, and Ludwig Maximilian Universities. The course will be attended by 8 students from each University, 24 in total. During the semester, the lectures will take place online via Zoom and in-person. Part of the course is a trip to Krakow.




This is a joint course of Charles, Jagellonian, and Ludwig Maximilian Universities. The course will be attended by 8 students from each University, 24 in total. During the semester, the lectures will take place online via Zoom and in-person. Part of the course is a trip to Krakow.

Dear students

Please write to the teacher who will provide you with the enrolment key to enrol in this course.

Vilém Semerák, Ph.D.


Dear students,

This course is part of an initiative for Ukrainian students.

Dear students

Please write to the teacher who will provide you with the enrolment key to enrol in this course.

doc. PhDr. Ondrej Ditrych, MPhil. Ph.D.


On-line vzdělávání INEP-8 poskytuje vědecky podložené a aktuální informace v prevenci rizikového chování.

  • Kurz je k dispozici okamžitě. Kurz nemá datum zahájení a ukončení. Můžete začít hned nebo tehdy, kdy vám to vyhovuje.
  • Kurz je bezplatný. Účast v kurzu není třeba hradit.
  • Pracujte svým vlastním tempem. Na tomto kurzu můžete strávit tolik času, kolik je třeba.
  • Zaregistrujte se a začněte. Přihlaste se, sledujte svůj postup a dopracujte se k Potvrzení o účasti.
Zde najdete aktuality i všechny důležité informace k doktorskému studijnímu programu (DSP) Oborové rady (OR) Anatomie, histologie a embryologie. Podpora je určena pro uchazeče, studenty, školitele i členy OR. Kontakt: jan.nevoral@lfp.cuni.cz; Ústav histologie a embryologie, Lékařská fakulta v Plzni.
Please, find the recent announcement and all essential information about Ph.D. study at the Scientific Board of Anatomy, Histology & Embryology. The support is destined for applicants, Ph.D. students, supervisors, and members of the Scientific Board. Contact: jan.nevoral@lfp.cuni.cz; Department of Histology & Embryology, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen.

A companion to the Essential Medical Terminologytextbook!
Each chapter offers the opportunity to practice and revise individual grammatical phenomena, and there is also a final quiz to check if you have truly mastered the subject matter as well as vocabulary of a given section.
If you have always wanted to become a real vocabulary buff, use the Quizlet link for further practice.
An in-depth understanding of the language of medicine will serve as a natural gateway into medical school and will be a valuable tool for the study of all medical disciplines.
So let's get started!

This on-line training is delivering up-to-date information in the field of prevention science. 

  • This course is available immediately. The course does not have a start and end date. You can start right away or at a time that suits you.
  • This course is free of charge. There is no need to pay for this course.
  • Work through at your own pace. You can spend as long as you like on this course.
  • Register to start. Sign up, track your progress and work towards a Certificate of completion.

On-line vzdělávání INEP-8 poskytuje vědecky podložené a aktuální informace v prevenci rizikového chování.

  • Kurz je k dispozici okamžitě. Kurz nemá datum zahájení a ukončení. Můžete začít hned nebo tehdy, kdy vám to vyhovuje.
  • Kurz je bezplatný. Účast v kurzu není třeba hradit.
  • Pracujte svým vlastním tempem. Na tomto kurzu můžete strávit tolik času, kolik je třeba.
  • Zaregistrujte se a začněte. Přihlaste se, sledujte svůj postup a dopracujte se k Potvrzení o účasti.

On-line vzdělávací modul Technologie a prevence poskytuje vědecky podložené a aktuální informace v prevenci rizikového užívání technologií a obrazovek.

  • Kurz je k dispozici okamžitě. Kurz nemá datum zahájení a ukončení. Můžete začít hned nebo tehdy, kdy vám to vyhovuje.
  • Kurz je bezplatný. Účast v kurzu není třeba hradit.
  • Pracujte svým vlastním tempem. Na tomto kurzu můžete strávit tolik času, kolik je třeba.
  • Zaregistrujte se a začněte. Přihlaste se, sledujte svůj postup a dopracujte se k Certifikátu.

On-line vzdělávání EUPC poskytuje vědecky podložené a aktuální informace v prevenci rizikového chování.

  • Kurz je k dispozici okamžitě. Kurz nemá datum zahájení a ukončení. Můžete začít hned nebo tehdy, kdy vám to vyhovuje.
  • Kurz je bezplatný. Účast v kurzu není třeba hradit.
  • Pracujte svým vlastním tempem. Na tomto kurzu můžete strávit tolik času, kolik je třeba.
  • Zaregistrujte se a začněte. Přihlaste se, sledujte svůj postup a dopracujte se k Certifikátu.

This on-line training is delivering up-to-date information in the field of prevention science. 

  • This course is available immediately. The course does not have a start and end date. You can start right away or at a time that suits you.
  • This course is free of charge. There is no need to pay for this course.
  • Work through at your own pace. You can spend as long as you like on this course.
  • Register to start. Sign up, track your progress and work towards a Certificate of completion.

Registration - Sleep Medicine

The course deals with  important topics in the  areas of research career opportunities and responsible conduct of research in addiction science. The students will learn about: 

  • academic conduct and misconduct, 
  • academic and publication ethics,  
  • academic career in addiction. 

Course Description:

This course explores the historical and contemporary experiences of three key minority groups in Europe: Jews, Muslims, and Roma. Through an interdisciplinary approach, students will examine the complex dynamics of minority-majority relations, focusing on the social, political, and cultural challenges faced by these communities. The course will cover topics such as migration, discrimination, integration policies, and the role of religion and ethnicity in shaping group identity and community cohesion.

We will analyze how these groups have navigated their status as minorities, examining both the external pressures of exclusion and the internal processes of community-building and identity formation. A significant portion of the course will be devoted to exploring how Jews, Muslims, and Roma have developed a sense of belonging within European societies, the role of memory and trauma, and how historical events like the Holocaust, colonialism, and the Roma genocide during WWII continue to influence their identities today.


Key themes will include:

  • The historical development of Jewish, Muslim, and Roma communities in Europe
  • Patterns of discrimination, persecution, and resistance
  • The impact of nationalism, populism, and far-right movements on these minorities
  • Case studies on community-building efforts and intergroup interactions
  • Policies of inclusion, integration, and the challenges of multiculturalism in Europe
  • Contemporary issues such as Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, and antigypsyism

E-learning platform for the Evidence-Based Physiotherapy course, held as part of the Erasmus BIP Blended International Program from October 21st to 25th, 2024, organized by the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles University in Prague.