e-JUK in English
Section outline
Introductory information
Welcome to the e-learning version of Junior Charles University (e-JUK). e-JUK is a digital alternative for those who could not attend face-to-face lectures of Junior Charles University.Activities in the course
Course sections include a recording of a lecture (video) and a training task (quiz). Some lecturers have also prepared training tasks (tasks) on which you can verify your skills and knowledge in the given topic. All activities are voluntary and optional.Quiz
You can earn a digital badge for successfully completing the quiz. In order to award a badge, a participant must be logged in. The quiz is not limited in time. Each quiz have 5 questions. To receive the badge, you need to earn at least 3 points. Questions have only one correct answer at a time. Points are not substached for a misanswered question. The quiz is not limited in time. You have an unlimited number of attempts for the quiz.Signing in
You can sign up for the Course by creating a new user account and entering the information you receive in your email. The system also allows you to sign in with a Google Account. To sign in, click the Sign in button in the upper right corner or go to the login page https://mooc.cuni.cz/login/index.phpContact
In case of any complications or confusion, you can contact support (jan.zavesicky@ruk.cuni.cz). For more information about the JUK, e-JUK and i-JUK project, visit the www.juniorskauniverzita.cz.Best luck,
e-JUK Realisation Team -
Free e-JUK video lectures time (total): 285 minutes