How to correctly create and use open educational resources, which focuses on wikisystems.
Section outline
Welcome to the course on How to correctly create and use open educational resources, which focuses on wikisystems.
This course will introduce you to the issue of open education sources, and primarily those which function on the MediaWiki software principle.
The course will present to you the principles for correctly creating and using open educational resources.
This course has been created with the support of the program project ETA 2 of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic TL02000013 - Ensuring Quality of Open Education Resources: How to Create and Use Open Access Materials.
The content of the whole work is licensed under Creative Commons BY 4.0 International. List origin as 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Exceptions are illustrations and other materials that are licensed under the license they were published under.
- Petiška, E., Dlouhá, J., Pospíšilová, M., Dlouhý, J., Korhoňová, L. (2021). Metodika zajištění kvality otevřených vzdělávacích zdrojů pro vysokoškolské vzdělávání. Osvědčení č. 003-2021-COŽP, MPSV.
- Petiška, E. (2021) Portál: Otevřené vzdělávací zdroje. COŽP UK. Online dostupný na:
Port%C3%A1l:Otev%C5%99en%C3% A9_vzd%C4%9Bl%C3%A1vac%C3%AD_ zdroje
In this lesson, we will acquaint you with the basic terms and characteristics that a resource should fulfill in order for it to be considered “open” and with the advantages and disadvantages of open educational resources.
The technical environment and the way OERs function can be signs of quality from a technical standpoint; however, the content that functions within such OERs is also an integral part of evaluating quality. In this chapter, we’ll have a look at the technical parameters that should be taken into consideration when creating OERs.
Having an idea of what you’re going to create is important not only before you begin, but throughout the whole creation process as well.
Table of contents:
1. Open educational resources based on Mediawiki software or Wikipedia?
4.4. Reliability of information
4.5. Topicality of information
4.6. Students’ perception of quality
4.7. Processes of ensuring quality
4.9. Quality criteria for university use of OER
Here you can download a checklist of questions for creating OER, which will help make sure you don’t forget anything.
When using OER WMS, it is helpful to ask yourselves the following questions: “What are we expecting from the resource, and what information needs do we plan for it to fulfill?” and “What is the purpose of the given resource we want to use?” By realizing our needs and the specific qualities of the resource and the way we choose it to be used, we can find the most suitable OER WMS for our needs with regard to required quality (e.g. a university student shouldn’t use sources to study for examinations that are primarily designed for lower levels of education).
In the final test, you can verify your knowledge from the course.
The final test is mandatory if you want to acquire a certificate of course completion.