Section outline
Vítejte v pracovním modulu Oborové rady (OR) Anatomie, histologie a embryologie. OR je určena pro Lékařskou fakultu v Plzni, 2. lékařskou fakultu a 3. lékařskou fakultu. Zde najdete aktuality a důležité informace k doktorskému studijnímu programu (DSP) Anatomie, histologie a embryologie. Podpora je určena pro uchazeče, studenty, školitele i členy OR. Doporučujeme zapsání se do kurzu jako účastník (vlevo nahoře) -poté můžete očekávat notifikace o aktuálním obsahu e-mailem. Kontakt: jan.nevoral@lfp.cuni.cz; Ústav histologie a embryologie, Lékařská fakulta v Plzni.
Welcome to the support platform of the Scientific Board of Anatomy, Histology & Embryology. The Board is destined for the Ph.D. study at the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, the 2nd Faculty of Medicine, and the 3rd Faculty of Medicine. Please, find news and essential information about Ph.D. study in Anatomy, Histology & Embryology. The support is destined for applicants, Ph.D. students, supervisors, and members of the Scientific Board. We encourage you to enroll in the course (see on the top left) and you can expect announcements of actual content henceforward via e-mail. Contact: jan.nevoral@lfp.cuni.cz; Department of Histology & Embryology, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen.
Do you know Cotutelle? No? One more reason to come to the Cotutelle meeting: September 24, 9 am, seminar room 3.16, the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen. Find more details below.
Are you PhD student or postdoctoral researcher interested in extracellular vesicles? Browse the EMBL event and find more details at the link.
Prohlížejte histologické preparáty kdekoliv a kdykoliv v maximálním rozlišení a s popisky. Doporučujeme registraci pomocí fakultní emailové adresy.
High power and resolution are available in histological images with captions. Registration within your email address is recommended.
Do not miss the next year of Summer School of Single Cell, September 4th, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen. Find more details at the website: Letní škola single cell – přednáškový den | Lékařská fakulta v Plzni (cuni.cz)
EMBO/FEBS Lecture Course. When: September 16 - 20. Where: Landshut, Germany.