1. Output 5

Curriculum „Enhancing participative practice in social work”

Intellectual Output 5 INORP

This output has been developed as part of the INORP project, Innovation by supporting reflexivity and participation: Strengthening education and professionalization of social work on the border of other professions, co-financed by EU funds under the Erasmus+ K203-CAC1B7D2 strategic partnership for innovation for the period 2020-2023. The project partners include:

  • Charles University (Czech Republic) as Project Coordinator;
  • Ghent University (Belgium);
  • Helsingin Yliopisto (Finland);
  • University College Dublin (Ireland);
  • Cooperativa De Ensino Superior De Serviço Social (Portugal)- leading organization of this output (Walter Lorenz and others).

The Association of Educators in Social Work (ASVSP) is an associate partner.