Dear all,
I am pleased to inform everyone that the last blog article has been published.
Vega MJA, Conde XR, Hecklová L, Frade DDR, Ginés JA, Pajovic D, Äijö M, Pavlu D, Vláčilová I, Robles García V, Martínez Toledo B, Fernández Pereira M, Naia Z, Canosa Carro L, Pallot A. 2024. How physical exercise affects the quality of life in patients with atrial fibrillation. Published at: 12.12.2024. Available:
Also you can read teachers blog article from the address:
Äijö M, Pavlu D, Vláčilová I, Naia Z, Pallot A. 2024. Teaching evidence-based physiotherapy through European cooperation – experiences from the BIP week. Published at: 11.12.2024. Available:
Thank you all ! It was a pleasure to work on this BIP with you.
Merry Christmas!