X. - XII. Isonzo battle and Caporetto breakthrough

5. The End of Caporetto


After the start of the offensive Italian troops collapsed. Austro-Hungarian military units conquered one line of defense after another and got to Piave.  In the night between 26 and 27 October 1917 General Cadorna ordered the withdrawal of the Second and Third Army from the Tagliamento River. He also commanded the immediate departure of the Carnia and Cadore areas. This order meant  a quick withdrawal of 1, 5 million men. The outcome of the battle was decided.


After the defeat of Caporetto the Allies sent troops to support the Italian army that was laboriously rearranging itself. They were reinforced by six French and five British divisions. The Struggle on this territory continued until the end of the Great War.



LABANCA, N.: Caporetto. Storia di una disfatta. Florence 2000.

ISNENGHI, M. / Rochat, G.: La grande guerra, 1914-1918. Florence 2000.


Italian prisoners of war after the Battle

