Curriculum „Enhancing participative practice in social work”

11. 3rd cycle Competence levels according to the Dublin Descriptors

3rd cycle Competences
Knowledge and understanding

Systematic understanding,
mastery of research

Can place participatory research approaches in the wider context of research methods and their political implications

Applying knowledge and understanding Design and implement scholarly research Can design a coherent participatory research project; has considered difficulties, conflicts and how to address them
Making judgements

original research that extends the frontier of knowledge;
capable of critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas

Has a solid grounding in ethical considerations implied in participatory approaches to research; can weigh up benefits and risks for different partner groups and research levels

Communication skills

can communicate with their peers, the larger scholarly community and with society in general about their areas of expertise

Can communicate aims and objectives sensitively and authentically to all partner groups; can give a grounded public account of research objectives, methods and outcomes

Learning skills Promote professional, social and cultural advancement

Can contribute to the further development of participative research approaches in social work and their use in professional practice